ReActiv8 Frequently Asked Questions

What makes ReActiv8 unique?

ReActiv8 is designed to address the underlying cause of mechanical low back pain by helping patients restore neuromuscular control of the multifidus muscle.

Why is the multifidus muscle important?

The multifidus muscle is the key stabilising muscle in the lower back. A single injury to the back can cause impaired muscle control of the multifidus. This lack of muscle control can decrease the spine’s functional stability, leaving the spine susceptible to further injury and overloading. Restoring the neuromuscular control of the multifidus muscle can stabilis e the spine, thereby increasing function and decreasing pain.

Does my private health insurance cover ReActiv8?

To see if your private health insurer covers the ReActiv8 implant, contact them directly and quote the item numbers 39138 and 39134. ReActiv8 is often covered by Silver + and Gold Hospital cover policies.

What are the differences between ReActiv8 and Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)?

ReActiv8 addresses mechanical chronic low back pain, delivers stimulation to the multifidus muscle in two 30-min sessions daily, and aims to restore neuromuscular control to increase function. SCS addresses neuropathic back pain, delivers stimulation 24/7, and aims to interfere with the perception of pain.

Is ReActiv8 right for me?

Talk to Dr Johnson to see if you are a candidate or visit

If I am a candidate; Can I speak to a patient who has had the ReActiv8 procedure?

Yes, you can use the PatientPartner platform to connect with a local patient who has had the ReActiv8 implant. PatientPartner is a complimentary, private, and easy-to-use tool that allows you to ask questions and get more insight about ReActiv8 therapy from your mentor.

Click here to go to the PatientPartner website