Mechanical Chronic Low Back Pain

Mechanical chronic low back pain results from an injury or stress on the tissues surrounding the spine, including soft tissues, muscles, bones, and joints.

This type of pain is often due to impaired muscle control and neural inhibition of the multifidus, the largest stabilising muscle in your back. When this neuromuscular inhibition occurs, there can be a misalignment of the spine, causing uncontrolled loading and pain.

ReActiv8 overcomes neural inhibition and allows the body to regain control of the multifidus, providing functional lumbar stability and reducing mechanically based pain.

✔️ Have experienced back pain for more than 3 months

✔️ Back pain is worse than leg pain

✔️ Physical Therapy and medications have not provided relief

✔️ Ask Dr Johnson if you have multifidus dysfunction

Why soft tissue stabilisation of the lumbar spine in back pain is important

What is Neuromuscular Control?