A new treatment for Back Pain….

Is ReActiv8 therapy right for you?

ReActiv8 therapy is intended to help with the management of chronic low back pain associated with the muscular weakness of the lumbar multifidus muscle in patients who have failed therapy including pain medications and physical therapy and are not candidates for spine surgery.

Complete this survey to see if you’re a good fit….

Consent:  By completing the above survey, I consent to the Functional Movement Training and the Back Pain Centre reviewing this limited health information about me, providing an initial, preliminary assessment about whether ReActiv8 may be a suitable therapy for me, and offering to contact me to provide more information. I understand this does not represent medical advice, opinion, diagnosis, or services in any way, and I must consult with  physician or other health care provider for an actual determination about this product. I also understand that, by providing this information, I am not guaranteed or promised any service or product, nor a final or complete assessment on whether ReActiv8 may be appropriate for my low back pain.