Dr Johnson is a Back Pain Specialist with expertise in Functional Rehabilitation and Spinal Surgery.

ReActiv8 Restorative Neurostimulation Surgery is minimally invasive and synergistic with Dr Johnson’s paradigm for managing the challenging condition of Low Back Pain by addressing not only the symptoms of pain but eliminating the Functional Cause of Back Pain

Back Pain is a symptom of a Functional Disease.

ReActiv8 is the first and only minimally invasive, low risk, Functional Back Pain Surgery.

A paradigm shift in care.

Dr David Johnson

Back Pain Specialist and Spinal Neurosurgeon

Dr David Johnson is an Australian trained Back Pain Specialist and Spinal Neurosurgeon who has worked at all of Brisbane’s major tertiary hospitals.

Dr Johnson has been studying medical science for over 30 years and commenced his Back Pain Specialty practice at the Brisbane Private Hospital 15 years ago.

Dr Johnson has constantly been involved in multidisciplinary approaches to managing back pain symptoms including spinal surgery, spinal neurostimulation and developing transformative rehabilitation methodologies beyond common conventional approaches offered by physiotherapy, the myriad of manual therapies and exercise physiology. All to frequently patients describe persistent and progressive pain and disability despite diligent rehabilitative attempts.

Dr Johnson is the Director of the Back Pain and Functional Movement Training Centre that pioneered NeuroHAB in 2015.  NeuroHAB is the only rehabilitation program in Australia that defines Movement Dysfunction and restores Movement Proficiency.

Dr Johnson developed the Movement Dysfunction Clinical Model for Low Back Pain. The model defines the cause of Back Pain symptoms to stem from a Functional Disorder of Lumbo-Pelvic Movement. Functional Disorders cannot be cured by conventional management paradigms which do not resolve Movement Dysfunction of the Lumbar Spine. Following on from chronic Movement Dysfunction is atrophy (wasting or shrinkage) of the most important intersegmental stabiliser of the lumbar spine - the Multifidus Muscle.

If the root cause or seed of the problem remains unresolved Chronic Back Pain symptoms will with certainty follow a relapsing remitting course and eventually progress to chronicity. Pain medication requirement will escalate and patients will notice a progressive withdrawal and restriction from sporting and leisure activities for fear of exacerbating pain symptoms. Even patients who have had Lumbar Spinal Fusion or Disc Replacement Surgery for their Back Pain symptoms will report ongoing pain or recurrent back pain after initially promising results.

Back Pain is epidemic globally and remains as one of Australia’s leading causes of pain and disability. This unfortunate statistic reflects a significant failure from with in the Back Pain Therapeutic Industry. Thinking critically and observing these common presentations in thousands of back pain patients over his career has enabled Dr Johnson to develop a thoroughly tested paradigm shift approach to effectively manage the Functional Disease that causes Chronic Low Back Pain Symptoms.

One Final Word…

“It is an honour and a privilege to be entrusted with the care of your spine. This new technology combined with optimal Functional Movement focused rehabilitation provides even greater confidence that we can obtain good outcomes with minimal risk in the management of the epidemic of Chronic Low Back Pain.

The ReActiv8 system represents the first Functional Surgery for Chronic Low Back Pain symptoms. 

This is a critically important distinction from existing, solely Structural Surgical interventions and reflects the necessary paradigm shift in managing the epidemic of low back pain which is clearly the result of a Functional Disease I refer to as Movement Dysfunction. 

Subsequent to the safe and minimally invasive implantation and activation of the Lumbar Multifidus Intersegmental Stabiliser muscles, patients acquire the ability to progressively restore Movement Proficiency. 

I promote this through mandatory post-operative specific Functional Movement Therapy. The disease of Movement Dysfunction can be cured and with that so to can Chronic Low Back Pain Symptoms. 

ReActiv8 is a huge step in the right direction, synergistic and complementary to our unique NeuroHAB Movement Therapy focused rehabilitation developed in 2015. 

I am excited to be involved in re-writing the textbooks and guidelines on best practice Low Back Pain Management.”

Dr David Johnson Spinal Neurosurgeon and Back Pain Rehabilitation specialist. Founder Functional Movement Training Centre and NeuroHAB Movement Therapy, Director of The Back Pain Centre and College of Functional Movement Clinicians – Brisbane Australia.